Who is Elizabeth Hitch? Miller Lite beer commercial controversy explained as woke backlash intensi

Miller Lite is the latest beer brand to garner backlash for their latest advertisement. Conservatives are thrashing the company across social media platforms for their latest “woke” campaign that celebrates women. Several netizens were displeased with the Ilana Glazer commercial that criticized adverts for using bikini-clad women to sell their drinks.

Miller Lite’s latest campaign which is called ‘Bad $#!T to good $#!T’ features comedian Glazer calling for a change in beer advertisements. She goes on to announce that the company has decided to turn its older “s*xist advertisement” into fertilizer that can be used by women brewers to grow hops.

Ilana Glazer also explained in the advertisement how women have historically played a large role in the production of beer. She then expressed disgust in how they are objectified in modern commercials.

The comedian says in the advertisement:

“Here’s a little-known fact, women were among the first to brew beer ever. From Mesopotamia to the Middle Ages to Colonial America, women were the ones doing the brewing. It’s time beer made it up to women. So today, Miller Lite is on a mission to clean up not just their s**t but the whole beer industry’s s**yt.”

A March news release for the advertisement revealed that it was created to celebrate Women’s History Month.

Elizabeth Hitch, the senior director of marketing for Miller Lite explained that the company wanted to shed light on how women play a key role in the production of beer. She explained:

“The idea behind this campaign is to recognize that the beer industry as a whole hasn’t recognized women or given them the credit they deserve. We can’t change the past, but we can help rectify the damage that was done alienating women from beer.”

Who was behind the Miller Lite’s advertisement? Netizens express outrage against the campaign

It seems like Hitch was one of the leads responsible for the creation of the controversial advertisement. The Chicago, Illinois-native has also been the Marketing Director for Molson Coors’ Hard Seltzers in the past. A few other roles she had taken up in MillerCoors includes marketing manager, associate brand manager and regional business analyst amongst others.

Hitch obtained her MBA from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in marketing and finance from Marquette University.

At the time of writing this article, her LinkedIn account seemed to have been taken down.

Several conservative consumers of the beer expressed outrage against the campaign. Many were quick to compare it to the now seemingly cancelled beer brand Bud Light, who garnered immense criticism online for their recent advertisement that featured a transgender influencer. Several netizens accused Miller Lite of going woke. A few reactions to the advertisement read:

Miller Lite had also announced in a press release that they were supporting the Pink Boots Society, that focuses on assisting women and non-binary individuals in the alcohol industry. The Molson Coors brand also announced that purchases of Miller Lite products would contribute to a $60,000 donation to the non-profit.

Despite the organization supporting a good cause, netizens continued to dissent against the brand and its advertisement.

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