Who is Dwight Howard's baby mama Royce Reed? Taking closer look at 'Basketball Wives' star's life

Royce Reed is one of Dwight Howard's five baby mamas. Reed made headlines back in July when she called Howard "evil" and made some serious accusations against the former NBA player.

Reed is known for appearing on "Basketball Wives" from 2010 to 2013. She was born on June 22, 1980, in Orlando, Florida. She went to Florida A&M University and earned a degree in Theatre Education, Dance and Humanities.

Before Reed became a reality TV star, she was a cheerleader for the Orlando Magic and Miami Heat. Through her job as a cheerleader, she met Howard and they have a son together named Braylon, who was born on November 18, 2007.

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In an explosive rant on The Shade Room's comments section on Instagram back in July, Royce Reed claimed that Dwight Howard was "evil" and had told their son he was "gay" for not watching pornography. She also alleged that it took almost five years for Howard to fire nannies who molested two of his children.

"This man is evil," Reed wrote. "Y'all fall for it every time. Ask him why he's telling a 12yo he's gay bcuz he hadn't "touched anything" or watching porn with them? Better yet why it took h 4.5 years to fire the nanny that molested 2 of his kids."

Reed added that Howard allegedly got custody of one of his kids even though he was about to play in Taiwan. The kid was then given to his parents to get taken care of. She even went as far as saying that she was asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement to be his "matriarch" for his polyamorous relationships.

The ex-couple's son Braylon was previously accused of inappropriate conduct against a fellow teenager. Reed thought that her son's behavior was influenced by Howard and the incident that made headlines back then happened under the NBA legend's supervision.

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Dwight Howard has 4 other baby mamas

Royce Reed was the first baby mama of Dwight Howard, with the couple having Braylon in 2007. Howard has four more baby mamas - Tiffany Render, Hope Alexa, Christine Vest and Melissa Rios.

Howard and Render have a daughter together named Layla born in October 2010. Another daughter named Jayde was born two months later to Alexa, who is a Canadian fitness model.

The one-time NBA champion and Vest have a son named Dwight III, nicknamed Trey, born on June 13, 2013. Howard's youngest child is named David, who was born on December 15, 2013. His mother, Melissa Rios, was a real estate agent and died in 2020 because of an epileptic seizure.

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