5 times Liam Payne has been One Direction's Super Hero

When you think about a super hero you probably think capes and tights and flying all about the sky.  When One Direction fans think about a super hero they frequently think of Liam Payne.

Liam is one of the most humble celebrities there is and not only is that a trait to be admired from someone at his level of stardom – he finds ways to pay it back and pay it forward.  We thought we’d show just 5 of the many times Liam has been a hero to his fans.

5. He Gives Back

Following two highly publicized charity events early in 2015 Liam stopped by his home town of Wolverhampton to take part in a ceremony for “The Way” which is set to be a facility for youth of the city to go when they need something to do, someone to talk to, or somewhere to go.  Liam told the facilitators that he plans on visiting The Way once it’s opened to encourage the kids who grew up in the same town he did.  Liam’s giving back to the place that gave him his start shows that he values every step of his journey so far.

4. His Involvement With Trekstock

Liam has teamed up with Trekstock – a charity that helps young people who have cancer – on more than one occasion.  Back in 2013 Liam and Harry gave away a night on the town with the two of them for donating to the incredible charity, in 2015 Liam was vocal about working with them again.  He, along with his bandmates, gave a chance for a lucky fan who donated to meet the band backstage at the last leg of their OTRA tour.  Liam went above and beyond by attending the Great Gatsby ball hosted by Trekstock earlier this year as well, when the lads had a couple days off from tour, and he was joined by Niall, Louis, and Sophia.  Liam’s involvement with Trekstock has brought a lot of attention and donations to the cause.

3. He Saved His Friend’s Life

Most of the fandom, by now, knows about the heroic time Liam saved the life of his good friend Andy.  Andy was trying to fill a patio heater with gas on the balcony of Liam’s flat when it blew up in his face.  Andy says he felt like he was going to die and it was the most terrifying time in his life.  All he remembers is Liam trying, with his bare hands, to put the flames out.  He was rushed to the hospital where he had skin grafts, surgery, and after a week in intensive care and another in the hospital he was allowed to go home.  Andy credits his life to Liam’s quick thinking and also the way he sat with him through his healing process talking to him about anything to keep his spirits up.  Liam not only saved Andy’s life, but tried to keep his mind in a good place while his body suffered – if that doesn’t spell hero to you, we don’t know what does.

2. One Direction’s trip to Ghana

This is a big one for all of the boys because of how deeply each member of the band was moved during their time in the underprivileged country.  Liam and Harry are seen in the same video close to tears watching children at the hospital who are clinging to life – plagued by diseases that are preventable with vaccines.  On his return to the US he tweeted out a thanks to Red Nose Day for taking them to the country and for opening their eyes to the way part of the world lives that most of us don’t spend enough time thinking about.  The names of Liam and the rest of One Direction being tied to Red Nose Day and raising money for the country was an incredible way to get people involved and wanting to help.

1. His involvement with Believe In Magic

When The Believe In Magic Charity Ball came around we didn’t just get one Prince Charming, we got two.  Liam was Louis’ right hand man all night but more than that – he was dedicated to the cause himself, becoming a co-host of the event.  Liam went above and beyond the entire night, spending time with the children, getting to know their stories and their families.  He donated money out of his own pocket to the initiative and also went to battle with Louis about who would end up getting their face painted.  Louis won and Liam proudly showed off a tiger type fairy design on his face for the duration of the evening.  Liam showed us all that not only is he someone who has a heart for children who are suffering, he’s someone who is close to the people he loves and does anything he can to support them too.  We saw Liam being a true super hero that night, supporting the lives of so many and standing proudly next to one of his best mates while changing lives.

It’s incredible to see Liam grow up into such a wonderful young man and a hero to so many, and it’s hard not to fall in love with his kind heart.  Liam – you’re One Direction’s super hero.
